iOS Library Reference ===================== The Clutch iOS library syncs up your latest code, helps you analyze usage about your app, and provides a bi-directional bridge between your JavaScript code and your Objective-C code. ClutchSync ---------- .. code-block:: obj-c - (void)sync Intended to be called when the app finishes launching. Syncs to the latest version of the application code. .. code-block:: obj-c - (void)foreground Intended to be called when the app is brought into the foreground. Syncs to the latest version of the application code. .. code-block:: obj-c - (void)background Intended to be called when the app is sent to the background. Performs cleanup and sends statistics information. .. code-block:: obj-c + (ClutchSync *)sharedClientForKey:(NSString *)appKey tunnelURL:(NSString *)tunnelURL rpcURL:(NSString *)rpcURL; Returns a ``ClutchSync`` client instance for the given application key, tunnel URL, and RPC URL. ClutchView ---------- .. code-block:: obj-c - (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame andSlug:(NSString *)slug Initializes a Clutch view instance with the given frame and screen slug. .. code-block:: obj-c - (id)callMethod:(NSString *)method withParams:(NSDictionary *)params Calls a JavaScript method (that has been registered with Clutch) and returns its response. The ``params`` dictionary is the parameters you woud like to pass as an argument to the JavaScript function. .. code-block:: obj-c - (id)callMethod:(NSString *)method The same as the previous call except no ``params``. .. code-block:: obj-c - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated Should be called when its containing view controller's viewDidAppear is called. .. code-block:: obj-c - (void)viewDidDisappear:(BOOL)animated Should be called when its containing view controller's viewDidDisappear is called. .. code-block:: obj-c + (void)logDeviceIdentifier Logs the current device's identifier, for use on the `add device page`_. .. code-block:: obj-c + (void)prepareForAnimation:(UIViewController *)viewController success:(void(^)(void))block_ + (void)prepareForDisplay:(UIViewController *)viewController success:(void(^)(void))block_ Prepares the given view controller subclass for animation or display (such as adding it to a navigation controller) and then calls the given ``success`` block. .. code-block:: obj-c + (void)prepareForDisplay:(UIViewController *)viewController; Prepares the given view controller subclass for display, and does not call any callback. Properties ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: obj-c id delegate You may set this property to point to any instance of ClutchViewDelegate_ and it will allow you to communicate between JavaScript and Objective-C. .. code-block:: obj-c id scrollDelegate You may set this property to any instance of ``UIScrollViewDelegate``, which will send updates for all of the scrolling that happens on the web view. .. code-block:: obj-c UIWebView *webView The underlying webview that is the main workhorse of each ClutchView. .. code-block:: obj-c UIScrollView *scrollView The webview's scrollview. Useful for being updated as the user scrolls the webview's contents, as in a pull-to-refresh implementation. ClutchViewDelegate ------------------ .. code-block:: obj-c - (void)clutchView:(ClutchView *)clutchView methodCalled:(NSString *)method withParams:(NSDictionary *)params Called when JavaScript calls the ``Clutch.Core.callMethod(method, params)`` method, which is useful for communication between your JavaScript code and your Objective-C code. .. code-block:: obj-c - (void)clutchView:(ClutchView *)clutchView methodCalled:(NSString *)method withParams:(NSDictionary *)params callback:(void(^)(id))callback Similar to the above method, except that this time it provides a callback that you can call. Whatever object you pass to this callback will be sent to your JavaScript callback. .. _ClutchConf: ClutchConf ---------- .. code-block:: obj-c + (NSDictionary *)conf Gets the latest configuration (provided by clutch.plist). .. code-block:: obj-c + (NSInteger)version Gets the latest version of the configuration. .. _`add device page`: