Anatomy of an App Using Clutch

If you used our QuickStart guide, we may have breezed past some of the details about all of the different parts that combine to form an app using Clutch. This article should serve to highlight each part of the system, how it works, and how it all fits together.

The Suggested Directory Structure

The way the suggested directory structure looks is something like this:


If you have a directory structure that looks different, that’s fine, but this is the one that the QuickStart guide will start you with. (The most common way that yours could differ is if your clutchmyapp directory is in a different spot, or is named something different.)

First, there’s the outer MyApp directory. This is honestly just a container to hold the inner two directories, so that they can both be checked into a single source code repository. Feel free to rename this container directory to anything you want.

Inside that container, there’s an inner MyApp directory which stores your iOS XCode project and the Clutch framework, as well as an inner inner MyApp directory which contains your actual native Objective-C code. This is pretty straightforward.

Then, there’s the clutchmyapp directory. This is where all the JavaScript/HTML/CSS goes that will make up the screens in your app. There are three things in there that are auto-generated. clutch-core contains our libraries and static files, like backbone, zepto, and our base css. global contains any JavaScript/HTML/CSS that you want to reuse across most (or all) of your screens. Also there’s a clutch.plist, which holds any configuration information you’d like to access but be able to dynamically update.

Finally there’s the myscreen directory, which is automatically created with an HTML file, a JavaScript file, and a CSS file. You will create more and more of these as your application gets larger. You can choose to fill those files with code, or you can just leave them blank. For example in one screen, let’s say it’s an FAQ page, you might just have static content, so you’d just hand-code the HTML file. Other screens might be more dynamic and so the HTML file would be left minimal, but the JavaScript file would fill up with your display logic.

The Folder Reference

This correlates to the clutchmyapp folder from the previous section. It needs to be linked into your app as a folder reference for a few reasons. Firstly, it’s because we want to bundle a version of the HTML/CSS/JavaScript needed to run your app. This means that the first time the user opens the app, they have a version of the HTML/CSS/JavaScript ready to go. So there’s no need for internet connectivity to run an app that uses Clutch.

The second reason that this folder needs to be linked into your app as a folder reference is due to the clutch.plist file contained within. This file is used to store configuration. You can use the ClutchConf module to access the contents of this file, and then later you can update this configuration file remotely without having to push out a new application. This might be used, for example, to determine the text to display on a native button.

How an App Fits Together

At first glance, Clutch might look similar to an framework like PhoneGap or Appcelerator Titanium, where you write your whole app in JavaScript and/or HTML. Sometimes these solutions use an abstraction layer that aims to make it possible to target other platforms. In fact, Clutch works in a way that’s quite a bit different. Instead, you create your own UINavigationController, your own UITabBarController, and set up your own project the way you like it, and the way you’ve done it in the past.

The only thing that changes from normal iOS development is that instead of using a XIB or interface builder to build your UI layer for some screen, you can have Clutch help you to use web technologies instead.

That means, you carve out an area that you want to be able to update dynamically, and in that UIViewController‘s loadView method, you simply instantiate a ClutchView and add it as a subview.

Then you use our bridge layer to pass any important events from the Clutch view back into the Objective-C layer, and handle those events natively.

The Bridge

The bridge between your JavaScript code and you Objective-C code means that you can handle any event in the layer that makes the most sense. For things that do fancy animations, or pop open modal windows, or slide to a new screen, you will want to do these things natively. For things that involve simple text changes or content changes, you can handle that directly in JavaScript.

It also works in the other direction. You can capture events that happen in the native layer, like a UIToolbar button being pressed, and call into a function on the JavaScript side of things.

Development Mode

So there’s this whole step that you did where you entered in your phone’s identifier and associated it with your account, but what was that for?

It allows Clutch to enable development mode. Nobody writes perfect code on their first try. We know that there’s a back-and-forth where you want to experiment, try out a change, see how a CSS tweak looks, and you don’t want to send that out to your users every time. Instead, we provide a development mode which, when it sees your specific registered phone, it doesn’t serve the normal app using the normal methods.

Instead it connects to your local computer, to your working set of files, and renders what you’ve written–rather than what you’ve deployed. On top of that, it shows a nice toolbar that lets you know you’re in development mode, and gives you the option to quickly refresh the ClutchView, so you can avoid lengthy recompiles or re-navigating back to that same screen that you’re viewing.


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Adding a New Screen

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