Integrating Pull-to-Refresh =========================== One common UI element that people like to have in their apps is pull-to-refresh. By using some open source software along with a little bit of integration with Clutch, you can add this UI element to your Clutch screens quite easily! Download and Install EGOTableViewPullRefresh -------------------------------------------- For the purposes of this tutorial, we're going to use the open source `EGOTableViewPullRefresh`_ project, by the talented team at ``_. First you need to clone the repository:: git clone Then open the directory:: open EGOTableViewPullRefresh Now drag the EGOTableViewPullRefresh folder into your XCode project. Integrate EGOTableViewPullRefresh in Your Header File ----------------------------------------------------- In your ViewController's header file, import the pull-to-refresh library headers so that we have something to work with: .. code-block:: obj-c #import "EGORefreshTableHeaderView.h" Then add make sure your Clutch ViewController is a scroll view delegate, and a ``EGORefreshTableHeaderDelegate``: .. code-block:: obj-c @interface ImageTableController : UIViewController Now add three properties: .. code-block:: obj-c @property (nonatomic, retain) EGORefreshTableHeaderView *refreshHeaderView; @property (nonatomic, retain) NSDate *dateLastUpdated; @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL reloading; Synthesize and Instantiate Refresh Variables -------------------------------------------- First, synthesize the new variables that you have added: .. code-block:: obj-c @synthesize refreshHeaderView = _refreshHeaderView; @synthesize dateLastUpdated = _dateLastUpdated; @synthesize reloading = _reloading; Now instantiate the view and set the last updated date in your ``loadView``, and set this class as both the delegate and the scroll delegate for Clutch: .. code-block:: obj-c - (void)loadView { // ... self.dateLastUpdated = [NSDate date]; // Initialize the pull-to-refresh implementation self.refreshHeaderView = [[EGORefreshTableHeaderView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, -324, 320, 368)]; [self.refreshHeaderView release]; [self.view addSubview:self.refreshHeaderView]; self.refreshHeaderView.delegate = self; [self.refreshHeaderView refreshLastUpdatedDate]; // Set up the Clutch view self.clutchView = [[ClutchView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 411) andSlug:@"SOMESLUG"]; [self.clutchView release]; self.clutchView.delegate = self; self.clutchView.scrollDelegate = self; [self.view addSubview:self.clutchView]; // ... } Add Delegate Methods -------------------- We're almost there! Everything is set up, except there are a bunch of delegate methods that are being called and we haven't yet implemented them yet. First up is the ``EGORefreshTableHeaderView`` delegate methods: .. code-block:: obj-c - (void)egoRefreshTableHeaderDidTriggerRefresh:(EGORefreshTableHeaderView *)view { [self.clutchView.webView reload]; self.reloading = TRUE; } - (BOOL)egoRefreshTableHeaderDataSourceIsLoading:(EGORefreshTableHeaderView *)view { return self.reloading; } - (NSDate*)egoRefreshTableHeaderDataSourceLastUpdated:(EGORefreshTableHeaderView *)view { return self.dateLastUpdated; } - (void)doneLoadingTableViewData { self.reloading = FALSE; self.dateLastUpdated = [NSDate date]; [self.refreshHeaderView egoRefreshScrollViewDataSourceDidFinishedLoading:self.clutchView.scrollView]; } .. note:: You may not want to just call ``[self.clutchView.webView reload]``. You could also call a method in the JavaScript to refresh the data, or get the data using Objective-C code. This is the easiest and simplest way to achieve a reload though. Now we need to implement one of the ``ScrollViewDelegate`` delegate methods: .. code-block:: obj-c - (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView { [self.refreshHeaderView egoRefreshScrollViewDidScroll:scrollView]; // This slides the pull-to-refresh view into the proper location self.refreshHeaderView.frame = CGRectMake(self.refreshHeaderView.frame.origin.x, -324.0f - scrollView.contentOffset.y, self.refreshHeaderView.frame.size.width, self.refreshHeaderView.frame.size.height); } Pulling it All Together ----------------------- We have one last step before this will all work properly. Right now you have a Clutch view that, when dragged, will reveal a pull-to-refresh panel. When you drag it down, it will reload the page. But it won't yet know when it's done refreshing. That's a bummer, so let's fix it: .. code-block:: obj-c - (void)clutchView:(ClutchView *)clutchView methodCalled:(NSString *)method withParams:(NSDictionary *)params callback:(void(^)(id))callback { // ... if([method isEqualToString:@"clutch.loading.end"]) { [self doneLoadingTableViewData]; } // ... } As you can see, we're hooking into the ``clutch.loading.end`` method call to determine when loading is complete. Now all that's left to do is call that method in our JavaScript code: .. code-block:: javascript Clutch.Core.init(function() { // Do your loading here, and then call... Clutch.Loading.end(); }); Boom! Now we're done integrating a pull-to-refresh into our Clutch screen. Thanks to the power of great open source code and a bit of integration, it's quite easy to get this great effect in your app. Example ------- We've built an example application called Imgs which uses this technique, so you can `check out the code`_ and see how we did it in a real app. .. _`EGOTableViewPullRefresh`: .. _``: .. _`check out the code`: