Clutch Command Client

The Clutch Command Client is the easiest way to communicate with Clutch. You will use it whenever you do development, whenever you want to push a new version, and for various other tasks. Here’s a list of the commands provided and what they are capable of:


Installing the command client is as simple as running one command:

sudo easy_install clutchclient

Once you’ve done that, typing clutch into the command line should show you the command’s usage instructions and you’ll know that it’s been successfully installed.



clutch startapp DIRNAME

Starts a new application directory under the name DIRNAME. It will include all of the clutchjs JavaScript and CSS files, as well as an empty configuration plist.


clutch startscreen SCREENSLUG

Starts a new screen directory under the name SCREENSLUG. It will include a basic index.html base as well as a convenient place for your custom JavaScript and css files.


Your current working directory must be a Clutch application directory, or else the Clutch Command Client will not be able to create a new screen directory.


clutch dev -a APPNAME [-d DIRNAME]

Starts local development on a Clutch application. If you use one of the iOS devices managed by your account then all of the screens in your application will be loaded on-demand from your computer rather than from the latest published version.

By default, it will serve the current working directory, but you can specify another directory to serve using the -d command flag.


clutch upload -a APPNAME [-d DIRNAME]

Uploads a new version of your Clutch application to production. All of your users will begin running the new code the next time they bring the application into the foreground.

By default, it will upload the current working directory, but you can specify another directory to serve using the -d command flag.


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