
Everyone learns in different ways. For some, the best way to learn a new tool is to pore over documentation for hours. For others, jumping in on the deep end and just starting to build something is the best. For others still, visual and/or audio walkthroughs are best. Because of that, we want to make sure there are ample examples of each! Here’s our collection of screencasts:

Getting Started - New XCode Project

In this screencast we will start a new Clutch project from scratch, explaining in detail each step that’s required and why.

Getting Started - Existing XCode Project

In this screencast we will start a new Clutch project for an existing iOS application, explaining in detail each step that’s required and why.

Tutorial - Adding a Screen

Once you have your project all set up, this tutorial will help show you how to add a new Clutch screen to your project.

Tutorial - Demo App Walkthrough

Our Demo app, Imgs, has a lot of code and it’s fairly large. In this tutorial, we’ll go over the basics of how it fits together and how it works.

Tutorial - Building a Twitter Search App

In this video we’ll demonstrate the power of Clutch by building a very simple Twitter search app.