Integrating Pull-to-Refresh

One common UI element that people like to have in their apps is pull-to-refresh. By using some open source software along with a little bit of integration with Clutch, you can add this UI element to your Clutch screens quite easily!

Download and Install EGOTableViewPullRefresh

For the purposes of this tutorial, we’re going to use the open source EGOTableViewPullRefresh project, by the talented team at First you need to clone the repository:

git clone

Then open the directory:

open EGOTableViewPullRefresh

Now drag the EGOTableViewPullRefresh folder into your XCode project.

Integrate EGOTableViewPullRefresh in Your Header File

In your ViewController’s header file, import the pull-to-refresh library headers so that we have something to work with:

#import "EGORefreshTableHeaderView.h"

Then add make sure your Clutch ViewController is a scroll view delegate, and a EGORefreshTableHeaderDelegate:

@interface ImageTableController : UIViewController <ClutchViewDelegate, UIScrollViewDelegate, EGORefreshTableHeaderDelegate>

Now add three properties:

@property (nonatomic, retain) EGORefreshTableHeaderView *refreshHeaderView;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSDate *dateLastUpdated;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL reloading;

Synthesize and Instantiate Refresh Variables

First, synthesize the new variables that you have added:

@synthesize refreshHeaderView = _refreshHeaderView;
@synthesize dateLastUpdated = _dateLastUpdated;
@synthesize reloading = _reloading;

Now instantiate the view and set the last updated date in your loadView, and set this class as both the delegate and the scroll delegate for Clutch:

- (void)loadView

    // ...

    self.dateLastUpdated = [NSDate date];

    // Initialize the pull-to-refresh implementation
    self.refreshHeaderView = [[EGORefreshTableHeaderView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, -324, 320, 368)];
    [self.refreshHeaderView release];
    [self.view addSubview:self.refreshHeaderView];
    self.refreshHeaderView.delegate = self;
    [self.refreshHeaderView refreshLastUpdatedDate];

    // Set up the Clutch view
    self.clutchView = [[ClutchView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 411)
    [self.clutchView release];
    self.clutchView.delegate = self;
    self.clutchView.scrollDelegate = self;
    [self.view addSubview:self.clutchView];

    // ...


Add Delegate Methods

We’re almost there! Everything is set up, except there are a bunch of delegate methods that are being called and we haven’t yet implemented them yet. First up is the EGORefreshTableHeaderView delegate methods:

- (void)egoRefreshTableHeaderDidTriggerRefresh:(EGORefreshTableHeaderView *)view
    [self.clutchView.webView reload];
    self.reloading = TRUE;

- (BOOL)egoRefreshTableHeaderDataSourceIsLoading:(EGORefreshTableHeaderView *)view
    return self.reloading;

- (NSDate*)egoRefreshTableHeaderDataSourceLastUpdated:(EGORefreshTableHeaderView *)view
    return self.dateLastUpdated;

- (void)doneLoadingTableViewData
    self.reloading = FALSE;
    self.dateLastUpdated = [NSDate date];
    [self.refreshHeaderView egoRefreshScrollViewDataSourceDidFinishedLoading:self.clutchView.scrollView];


You may not want to just call [self.clutchView.webView reload]. You could also call a method in the JavaScript to refresh the data, or get the data using Objective-C code. This is the easiest and simplest way to achieve a reload though.

Now we need to implement one of the ScrollViewDelegate delegate methods:

- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
    [self.refreshHeaderView egoRefreshScrollViewDidScroll:scrollView];

    // This slides the pull-to-refresh view into the proper location
    self.refreshHeaderView.frame = CGRectMake(self.refreshHeaderView.frame.origin.x,
                                              -324.0f - scrollView.contentOffset.y,

Pulling it All Together

We have one last step before this will all work properly. Right now you have a Clutch view that, when dragged, will reveal a pull-to-refresh panel. When you drag it down, it will reload the page. But it won’t yet know when it’s done refreshing. That’s a bummer, so let’s fix it:

- (void)clutchView:(ClutchView *)clutchView
      methodCalled:(NSString *)method
        withParams:(NSDictionary *)params
    // ...

    if([method isEqualToString:@"clutch.loading.end"]) {
        [self doneLoadingTableViewData];

    // ...

As you can see, we’re hooking into the clutch.loading.end method call to determine when loading is complete. Now all that’s left to do is call that method in our JavaScript code:

Clutch.Core.init(function() {
    // Do your loading here, and then call...

Boom! Now we’re done integrating a pull-to-refresh into our Clutch screen. Thanks to the power of great open source code and a bit of integration, it’s quite easy to get this great effect in your app.


We’ve built an example application called Imgs which uses this technique, so you can check out the code and see how we did it in a real app.